Rise Up & Dream

Frequency Support
There are a few things that I have learned over the years to be true: 1. Everything is energy. 2. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. 3. One thing cannot truly be separated into many things. According to the studies of Quantum Physics, two concepts that you may not have heard about yet, have become theorems that many see as scientific laws. 1. All matter has a resonance. All things can be made to self destruct when the correct resonance is applied. 2. Separateness is in fact an illusion. When our own DNA is separated, no matter the distance between us and the sample DNA, whatever happens to us also happens to our DNA sample and vice versa.
A special benefactor gifted Your Spirit Academy with the world's most powerful Rife machine called Spooky2. The name of the technology speaks for itself! It is really spooky!
Utilizing the quantum theories of entanglement, Spooky2 created technology that is capable of applying frequencies to anyone anywhere in the world!! Their mission is to eliminate disease in the world and to make available the means for everyone to provide their own care in home.
Our benefactor purchased this technology for Your Spirit Academy, because he knew that he did not have the time or capacity to learn about and understand how to utilize the technology and treat himself, even with the company's free trainings.
The following technologies allow Jessica to utilize her medical intuition, combined with your symptomology and known diagnoses, and the results of Biofeedback services this technology provides, to create accurate and effective frequency supports for your Rejuvenation or your Transformation. You get to choose.
Jessica has done the learning and figuring, so you do not have to. Not everyone wants to learn how to operate technology that heals, nor has the aptitude for it. Jessica does and immediately set to work learning and supporting others with this gift of technology.
Jessica has put together some seriously special offerings here to support your rejuvenation and/or transformation with committed 12 month memberships. Click the links below to learn more about her incredible offers of support.
Remote & In Your Home Services

Additional Resources
understanding the science