Rise Up & Dream

means to change, in composition, in character, in appearance, and in the genetics within our cells.
Over the last 15 years studying various modalities of energy medicine
and doing the hard work of transforming herself, Jessica Smalls has discovered
a simple way to support transformation in others.
Though these sessions are tailored for each person, the process is the same.
There is deep heart to heart listening & story telling
Channeled messages are shared from Spirit Helpers
Natural medicines are used to help with clearing & relaxation
Meridian lines open to relieve energetic static in your body
The drum bathes your body in the medicine of sound vibration
And your body shares its messages
Then energy bodies are re-balanced together
And homework is assigned
When complete, most people feel light, relaxed and definitely different.
The homework is simple and supports the new shift to anchor in.
Often, the magnitude of energy that flows from these sessions brings about
positive shifts in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual character.
By doing your homework, you are making BIG change.
Big energy shifts require follow up and more energy to anchor in the new.
This is why Transform sessions are sold in packages of 3 and 5 and individually for returning clients only.
When your energy flows, your Spirit grows.
Are you ready to step into your power?